High-resolution images from our large archive

The museum photographers maintain a large photo archive, consisting mainly of photographs of objects from the collection and the museum’s excavation projects. The earliest images date from approximately a hundred years ago and are on glass plates.

Images and collection data freely available

The collection data and all images made by the National Museum of Antiquities are freely available for re-use under a Creative Commons licence.

  • Object descriptions (metadata) are available under a CC0 licence.
  • ¹ The images (content) are also made available under a CC0 licence. This means that you are permitted to copy, adapt, distribute, or perform this material without permission from the National Museum of Antiquities.

¹ Please note that previous consent does not affect any possible existing third-party copyrights on the objects or artworks depicted in these images. Users are responsible for securing the necessary permissions from the relevant copyright holders.

We would appreciate being mentioned as the source of the material. The correct citation form is: National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden


For developers, there is an API available for live search requests, as well as access through OAI-PMH for synchronization of the entire database.

High-resolution images

If you wish to request high-resolution images for professional use, please contact the photo service. Depending on your wishes and on how you plan to use the images, we may charge a fee for this form of assistance.


Fotoservice Vaste tentoonstelling Grieken jaren vijftig

Vondsten Vorstengraf van Oss