weefsel ; blauw

Egypte en Nubië
A piece of undyed linen cloth featuring a striped pattern of blue and undyed threads along the ending border as well as a warp fringe. It is believed that this piece was torn from the same original textile as F 95/8.9-i. This textile comes from the Royal Cache at Deir el-Bahri and was associated with the mummy of Nesitanebasheru.


Inventarisnummer: F 1929/12.75-14
Afdeling: Egypte en Nubië
Objectnaam: bekleedsel ; weefsel
Materiaal: linnen
Afmetingen: 6,5 x 20 cm
Periode: Nieuwe Rijk ; 18e-22e dynastie 1539-746 v.Chr.
Vindplaats: Egypte, Thebe ; Deir el-Bahari, koningscachette
Verwerving: schenking 1929 december


CNMAL 8, nr. 92

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Deeplink: https://hdl.handle.net/21.12126/21466